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The 1st LTT Activity of the Erasmus+ KA201 Project titled “Early Digital Diagnosis and Intervention (EDDI)” was held between 10-13 October in Thessaloniki,Greece with the host of Stimmuli and the participation of partners from the UK, Türkiye and Netherlands.

The 4- day activity include:

-Introduction of education systems and current ESL situations of partner countries. -Brainstorming&discussions about the causes,consequences and possible solutions of school drop outs.

-Testing EDDI Platform ( Module 1,2,3,4 &feedback from experts )

-Video recording of interview questions about school absenteeism

-Discussions and conclusions about the results of the training

-Certificate Award Ceremony

Check out the website and learn more about the project! ???? http://projecteddi.com/


News Time : 2022-10-30 23:04:40

The News 918 time reads.