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Project Title: Improving STEM Education Across European Schools

Project Contract Number: 2020-1-UK01-KA201-078810

Project Start Date: 25.10.2020

Project Total Duration: 24 Months

Project End Date: 24.10.2022

Partner Organisations:

Applicant Organisation: Academy for International Science and Research UK

1. 21.YY Egitimciler Dernegi Turkey



4. Scoala Gimnaziala Gheorghe Magheru Caracal Romania

5. UC LIMBURG Belgium

Aims: GENERAL OBJECTIVE of the STEM project is to develop a methodology for teachers/educators and to develop and implement innovative pedagogies and methods for teaching and assessing STEM in the classroom, making it more attractive in the eyes of young people and students.

Specific Objectives

SO1: Boost a Europe-wide collaboration among STEM teachers as well as education researchers, policymakers and other STEM education professionals, exchanging inquiry-based and other innovative, effective and engaging approaches to science and maths education.

SO2: Transfer of innovative STEM teaching methods to a large number of teachers, an e-Learning Area that will be developed in order to help individuals exploring and sharing innovative tools and techniques to make STEM subjects attractive in the eyes of the students.

SO3: Explore the use of ICT in STEM education, to enhance its introduction in traditional teaching methods and create technology-rich learning environments for students.

SO4: Helping students to develop important transversal skills such as creative thinking, problem solving, etc., that can be utilised by young people in the labour market.

Target Groups: Whereas STUDENTS are targets of all education efforts, TEACHERS are the central agents of the educational ecosystem and their roles has changed from that of primary source of information to someone who creates structure and provide advice for students, monitors their progress, assesses their accomplishments and works as a coach. SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIONS are also within the target group because of their critical role as leaders and decision makers.


IO1: State of Art / Report on STEM Education & 6 Types of Training Materials

IO2: e-Learning Area/e-Courses (8 Different Topics)

IO3: Mentoring Scheme

Project Release Time : 2021-04-16

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